So I got a little behind and struggled to know which day some of these pictures were taken on…but I think this is right.
We wanted to know how much Rennie weighed by now. All we had was a luggage hook scale thingy. The poor child. But now we know he weighs about 14 pounds.

This froggy was drawn on a Friday…but I didn’t photograph him until today. I am a bit selfish about my drawing book but Havilah wanted to color him. So I copied him for her. He was supposed to be fat and cute, not cute and creepy.
We went out for lunch on Saturday and ended up at Mc Donald’s. We had forgotten that it was children’s day. We weren’t planning to eat here but on children’s day everything is packed. Here, however was quieter for some reason. We don’t like children’s day. I tell myself that everyday is children’s day at my house, and salve my conscience. But seriously, everything is busy busy and everyone is out this day.
ALAS!!! No picture for Sunday and it was a lovely day. Church Sunday morning and in the evening it was friends over to eat clam chowder (by Dru), chocolate-orange moose (by Hannah), and watch Fiddler on the Roof.

On Monday Hannah worked on her flower pot. Havilah worked on memorizing her nursery rhymes. And Dru read Farmer Boy to Jube in the evening. This was Dru’s first day of the internship. It was a good and happy day for all of us—but it was sure long for the woman who is used to seeing more of her man through out the day.
This is Rennie all ready for bed last night. Fat, cuddly, squishy, and adorable. Right now we’re working on taking his life in hand. Sort of putting him on a schedule, and figuring out what works for him and us. The last few days have been a little easier, just because I’m writing down feedings and learning. Today I didn’t do quite so well…but he didn’t have a fit to go to sleep, so we’re getting there.

After all my selfishness, this pushover mom’s heart melted at long last when Havilah asked to help color this. She’s my baby girl and I really struggle to not spoil her. Actually, I don’t struggle with it much, I just give in. But, I am getting a little hard on her. She spent time in the corner today for making horrible whiney screamy noises at her brother. The truth is she is very easy to correct and I must remember to do so now, while this is still true. Spoiled three year old grow into spoiled thirteen year olds and then I’m guessing it won’t be as cute.

Jube and I are starting a unit study on the giant otter. From here we we’ll be studying South America, some different animals associated with these otters, and mahogany forests, and…well, you get the idea.
Also today, the children had a picnic. Two uninvited dogs attended and were served nothing but carrots, which they refused. I’m adopting a corner of the park as my children’s back yard. I’m nervous about letting them out of my sight like this, but they’re within calling distance and have well defined borders. If I am raising city kids, than I need to teach them the rules, let go a little, and trust the Lord. This little park is just on the other side of our building, no reason they can’t play here if I stick my head around the corner now and then to check on them.
I had supper at So-jo’s with the IGo ladies to celebrate Naomi Burkholder’s birthday tonight. Several weeks ago she was in a bike accident and came out with a replaced shoulder and two mended wrists. We’re thankful that God spared her. We need her common sense, no nonsense ways.
So far now in this pic-a-day thing, I realize I want to journal and post sooner. Because I forget the details of the lovely passing days unless I post right away. This about remembering, savoring, and documenting these beautiful, quickly passing days. I’m learning that it’s important to know where my camera is—all the time. But I did decided that even though I totally missed a day, well actually two, I am not going to throw it to the wind. I want to remember. Cherish. Enjoy. Because even though there are times that I wish for the next stage in life, I believe that these are days of golden memories and happiness.