Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Photo Dump

These aren't exactly in chronological order... but this is my baby and where he sits to watch the world go around. Thanks to his Grammy Graber for the money for the chair.

The pumpkin project. Of course, I discover after Thanksgiving that it works better to only cut the pumpkin in half when you put it in the oven. Goes faster that way.
Dru teaching English to the children at CMCC.
Grading papers from his class at IGo. Here he's actually working on grading the tests. He had a lot of fun with this. (Both the grading and the teaching, yes.)
Me and my little fatso.

More teaching at CMCC.
I might eventually add Thanksgiving pics, but until then, go to the "Wildflower Days" link and see Rachel's pictures of that day.

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  1. Thank you very much! That baby is most grown up!

  2. He is fat!!!! And he looks like he's yours Lisl! I want to pinch those rolls really bad! Give him smooches for me.

  3. Lovely! Thanks for the nice update, again. I did see Rachel's pics and downloaded them. I hope she forgives me...I simply couldn't resist.
