On what ended up being a mini date with my men. I’d gone over to meet him to have Bible Study with Bob and Yai and then plans fell through with them.
Jube’s first round at chop sticks. He was really good at it!
Havilah had a few more complications…
Hallah on a pizza outing.
This one is mine. See that map under his elbow. He thought we should put the map under the glass and no table cloth. So we did. But I do really like a table cloth, so we will see how long that lasts.
Hannah and Rennie
This one is cute.
Bilbo got sick. I took him to the veterinarian hoping she’d dispose of him because neither Hannah nor I had the guts to do it. The veterinarian checked him out and for not much I’m giving him an antibiotic instead. He’s getting chipper and sassy again. Only now when I approach the cage, he is apt to very pointedly turn his back on me.
It felt a little silly to me to take an animal to the doctor. But I couldn’t get beyond the idea that the “righteous man regards the life of his animal.” And that God sees the sparrows fall. So I decided, silly or not, I was going to take my birdie to the doctor. And silly or not, the medicine he’s getting probably cost more than he did originally. But I like my birdies. And animals in general. So, rather than feel silly about it, I have decided that I am who I am. I will take my birdies to the vet if I need to. So there.
It was very interesting to me to see Brie love on Bilbo while he wasn’t feeling so well. She’d just sit beside him and quietly feel sorry with him. Maybe I have something to learn here?
I like the pictures and the part about Bilbo the best.