Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Quick Update

Life is going on here. I'm happier now. Back up from the crash of last blog post. We have a few more answers and more direction. Keep praying though.

Jube is happy and healthy. The last while he's been daily reminding me to give him his vitamins, and maybe it's my imagination, but I think he feels weller and behaves weller. He's discovered how to use his tractor book from Papa and Nanna. I had to tell him to keep Farmer Dray inside--he wanted to take him out to cut trees down. He likes Farmer Dray's chainsaw. I can't wait to take him home so that he can see my dad's woods machinery. I might just pull up some videos on You Tube for him to watch before that though. All things machinery are of interest to him. His vocabulary is growing. Usually we can even understand him although he doesn't pronounce his "f" or his "s" yet.

Havilah is sweet and smiley, smiley. So fun. No longer can she lay on the table for her nap. She's discovered how to roll over. I really do think she's about a month ahead of Jube on that, and the smiling thing. And she's chubby! We love her bunches.

Dru's got tests to create and then give on Friday night, then there's an break in English teaching for a month. Yippee!!! He'll use the "extra" time for continuing to make his curriculum better and fill in some gaps. Also will be nice to have this time to do more thinking and praying for our future here.

And now I need to go get my supper made and dishes done by the time my men get home for the evening. Jube went with Dru for English classes tonight. I always wonder if I should send him but I think it's good. Dru likes to take him with him and Jube loves it. So I send him and cover him in prayer. I'm generally a very paranoid mom, but I'm learning to balance it with prayer--at least in this area.

Tonight we have cell group at our house. I always enjoy this part of our lives. We're going to miss our cell group when the time comes to part ways!!

God bless you all!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are feeling better...are you still cutting patches. That sounds like a good project, that you can do from your home, and still take care of your family!
