Things are either good or bad. There is no middle ground in my mind.
When I read the Bible it either says something or it doesn't. And it means what it says. You don't dismiss something as cultural. Neither do you read more into what's there than there is.
You are probably either good or bad in my mind. Which is hard for me because I'm a very loyal friend. When you disagree with me on an area that I see as black when you see it as white, or some other color, I really have to process that for a while. But I still love you--which makes it harder.
I struggle to understand the many stripes of Christianity that abound in this world. I'm quite sure that this isn't the way God intended for it to be. If everyone would just see the world like I do, than this wouldn't be a problem. We'd all interpret Scripture the same, the right way, of course.
I dislike this about myself--this seeing of things in black and white. Yet, I cannot change it. At at the same time I think I'm learning to be merciful. I have my husband to thank for that.
And I'm thankful for the grace of God. I'm sure that, because of the sovereignty of God, the grace of God is all the colors of the rainbow. And while I'm still not at liberty to excuse that which is so wrong in my mind, God is big enough to see the hearts and intentions of those around me. I'm thankful for his mercy--both for my colorblindness, and for people the world over who so desperately need, not for me to be judging, but for me to be loving--even when I cannot hope to understand them.
And I fear that this post will be hard for some of you to understand, unless, of course, you too see the world in black and white.