He was very contented to lay on the counter and watch the world go around for a while. He did NOT fall off.
Do not let Mae Wahn see these pictures…she wouldn’t approve.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
My VERY cute baby…
Saturday, January 16, 2010
A Day With My Men
It started at Wawee. Dru went for his Bible study with Ja-ja and dropped Jube and I off there. I hadn’t been to Wawee since Jube was born. Jube was over all happy but got a bit noisy so I was outside most of the time. He was adored by the man who served me my coffee, the cleaning ladies, who admired him from outside looking in until I went outside and one of them came up and talked to him, and the guard. This is my Caramello coffee.
And here are my two lovely men. Jube was a very good baby for the day. I think he likes the great outdoors.
Up through the tree tops.
Dru went to take a picture of the pink pringles on the blue denim and an ant came to visit. What could be more picnicy than that?
Across the lake.
Eventually we moved to the other side of the lake and took advantage of their little huts, set up for relaxation.
People walk by and try to sell you food and things—and talk to the baby.
This would be my good looking man.
More ants. A little gross but intriguing nonetheless.
Me and my sleeping baby. He slept for quite a while.
My men.
Journaling. Dru even journaled some. Like, by hand, with pen and notebook!
What it looked like laying on our backs in the hut.
The whole row of huts.
Children playing in the water. I tried, but it was too muddy for this snooty farang.
My dear man took me to the Pizza Company afterwards. Our usual English speaking waitress seated us. Then she took the baby and handed him over the the shyer waitresses. He is quite the charmer!
There was some for scrabble tournament or something going on. It seemed like every spare inch had tables with scrabble games on it. Hundreds of them literally.
And then I came home and put my baby to bed and got my house ready for Sunday.
It was a lovely day.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
A Baby Update
I put my baby to bed this afternoon and expected him to start howling as soon as I plopped him into his crib. But instead he turned himself all the way around so that his head was where his feet were.
“See Mom, I have to see my teddy bears—” (Taken from the living room couch)
“—Much better, now I can sleep.” He didn’t fuss at all, just turned around and fell asleep.
Awake and happy again. I took the picture below, but Dru edited it.
And here’s one of Dru’s pictures, taken the other day.
And these are just some misc. pictures, taken and edited by Dru. First off one of the ducks who sit in front of the convenience store here in the Mooban. We can’t all help our looks. Or was he pinched? Scared? I don’t know but here he is.
And this is supper tonight. I think I’m learning to cook after all.