Thailand, my dear friends, is still quite warm. I'm looking forward to the day when it is cold in the mornings and remains that way for the majority of the day. I have discovered that my baby sleeps better in the afternoons if I take him down to the A/C. There I either take a nap with him, or Dru can keep an ear open for him while he works at the computer. I can go back upstairs and work.
Dru is feeling quite positive about how his studies for classes, which start next week, are coming along. Yesterday though he woke me from my nap to explain with some frustration that his computer was not keeping up and was locked up again. He is a man who can set a record at how many computer pages and tabs, etc, he has to have open at once. Right now he is down negotiating with one of the students. His laptop is much like mine but crashed and Dru's hoping to buy it off of him and we'll put the two together and that will give us something to hobble along on.
After he woke me yesterday and told me that it was 2:30 already, I realized that the bread probably wouldn't get baked and I'd be lucky to get my dishes done. But then Kathy and her girls came over and the girls swept my house and did my large stack of dishes while I made a rather large batch of bread. Heather was rather amazed that my baby slept through the noise of the vacuum sweeper. Sarah had just got back from a ministry trip and told us all about it--they had a really good time. Kathy sat at my kitchen table. Kathy, the dear lady, has some rather serious back pain these days. Right now she limps about with the help of a purple cane.
And then in the end Dru and I took
supper over for the Brownes so we all got to visit some more. Duff's are going to be going back to the states for a couple of months and I am not looking forward to their absence very much at all. They've become family for us.
My baby is much happier now that we both got the salad worked out of our systems. The poor child. I enjoyed it but I guess he didn't much. He's a very good baby--but he's especially good when I don't eat lettuce and peppers. So maybe, as Gabe suggested, I should stick to bananas. I should be offended at Gabe's insinuation, but can't quite get that way.
My baby is about to go from wearing newborn clothing to the next size up. He really is going to be a chunky little baby here pretty soon. He's the cutest little boy there is, I promise. But you all know all that already.
And now I should stop rambling and go do my dishes. There are ants in the sink and on the table. Yeah, I still have ants. But I also have bleach, ant poisoning, and ant spray. I am generally victorious in the end. They always revisit I suppose, but I've killed more of them then they have of me, if you know what I mean.
Okay, the baby is calling me. Goodbye