Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Odds-N-Ends of Life

--Havilah is fussy these days. More teeth I think. It's also a stage of life consisting of many bumps and bruises. More so even than Jube at her age. Saturday night she was eating dragon fruit in her high chair, dressed in only her pamper. When she was finished I took her out and rinsed her off in the bathroom. She had it dragon fruit all down her front. Then I sent her up the steps to her dad who was putting them both into the bath tub. On her way up she slipped and fell backwards, biting her dear little pink tongue that likes so well to hang out of her mouth when she's happy. It was my fault. If I had dried her off before sending her up the steps she might not have slipped. Dumb, dumb mom! It was a very good little bite she got and it's still in the process of healing. I'm thankful it only bled as much as it did.

--Jube is memorizing verses very well these days. It's good for both of us. I made him a verse book that we write or paste his verses into, along with stickers and pictures. This  has made learning verses fun--and wow! what a good little brain. I want to cram it as full as Bible verses as I can. I thought about starting him on his multiplication tables now so that he'd know them...but I decided that that was ridiculous when we can be learning Bible verses and multiplication tables are useless to him right now. Where as, "Children, obey your parents," and "Be ye kind," are not.

--Speaking of being kind. Jube is learning about that right now too. What makes a child do what they will to another child for seemingly no reason is beyond me. But Jube isn't naturally spiteful--he just doesn't think sometimes. But, I think he's beginning to.

--I am missing two molars on my lower jaw. The second one from the back on either side. I was complaining to Dru the other night that eating salad takes me twice as long as everyone else. Eating raw carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower, is slow, thoughtful work--and painful if I bite down wrong. To my glee the other day I discovered that my wisdom tooth on one side is coming in, pushing the back tooth forward into the missing tooth's spot. I can see one corner of a brand new tooth. I was suspicious that this was happening and behold, now I know.  Silly, the things that make me happy. But you just trying chewing raw veggies without sufficient molars once, and you might understand. I should go to the dentist and see what she has to say about these developments. I am slightly concerned that the "traveling" tooth will travel in an undesired direction and mess up my bite.

--I finally have two pumpkin seedlings growing my back yard. This makes me happy.

--The light bulb in my laundry room is dead right now so I have been opening the back door to let the light in. Keeping the screen door shut. But there is still a crack under the screen I'm afraid. I was lifting a load of laundry into the wash machine from off of the floor and a large, foot long or so, lizard jumped out. I let out a squawk, put the load in the washer, checking to make sure there wasn't another one, and then went in search of a flashlight. I found one, opened the screen door, looked under the sink and there he was. But he wriggled out and I assume he went out the door because he disappeared somewhere. I'm just glad he wasn't a rat. I can not handle rats.

--We've been thinking lately of how thankful we are for the church family at Grace Bible in Wisconsin. Some of the friends we've been talking to lately really don't have that support in the same way we do. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers and letting us know that you believe in us and believe we're supposed to be here. It means so much more than you know!

--Frank is coming in two and a half weeks. I'm very excited.

--After she gets here I'm going to do some serious Thai language study. Help me pray for the right teacher. Someone(s) anonymously gave us 3,000 baht for my language study. Wow. Thanks so much. Good language study can be expensive and I really need to make sure these next months of study are not wasted. So, to those of you who pray for us, pray for my language study, the right teacher, and the right price.

--I'm still not posting pictures of our time with LaMar and Dot. This computer is missing two programs I like to use for that project. So later. We very much enjoyed our time with them. So glad they could come.


  1. Lisl honey, listen to me. You are not a dumb mom. You are a mom. Okay? :) Sigh...how I know how awful it feels when something hurts our children and it feels that we could have prevented it. Your children are already so much bigger than when we saw them! And Havilah growing into a lovely, young lady! The other day I was looking at pics on your blog and told Bomani that was Jube. He said "Jube". Then when he saw Havilah he said "Jube". So I said, "Havilah". And He repeated it quite well! Just preparing for when we're together again. :) Have a lovely week and don't work too hard. Luv you--Rachel

  2. I can just hear Grandma Ruth saying the same thing, Lisl, about being a dumb mom. We all mean well, and God made our children resilient. You lived through my hapless parenting and Halla will live through yours. :)

  3. ok...so i officially read this post backwards! i went to the find pictures and there were none so i read it backward! lol! twas good!
