Because we like our motorbike better than our car—the car not always giving us an overall feeling of trust towards it. The helmet is still a snitch big, but won’t be for long. It’s a panda bear helmet. The first time he wore it he was decidedly against it and screamed fitfully for nearly ten minutes while his mother held her hand over his mouth and his father went driving down the rode. Since then he hasn’t seemed to mind it.
I think he thinks it’s a tad heavy—but he does very well at holding it up when he’s on the bike gawking at everything that goes by on both sides of the bike.
Such an Emilee expression! --Charlotte
ReplyDeleteI love it. But I can't say it helps me feel all that much better about the bike in general. What a sweet boy and I miss him terribly.
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ReplyDeleteI said he looks kinda cocky about it... But it does look a little dangerous... squish him for me...