Thursday, February 11, 2010

Outta Here...

Because of our present visa situation, which I'd rather not go into detail about, we're having to make a run to Laos to apply for proper visa-ship. (It's complicated, trust me!) We're leaving at 8 o'clock tonight and getting to a city who's name I don't know how to spell. From there we have another 3 hours to our destination if I am correct. So keep us in your prayers as we globe trot this weekend.

This trip was unexpected but it's forced vacation as well and I'm thankful for that. We'll be gone right over valentines, so it will be a special way to celebrate. Our anniversary is this weekend, or would be if it were leap year, so we'll probably call this our anniversary celebration as well.

Yes, it's an unexpected expense but it seems to be necessary at this point in our lives. It means a little longer to wait for a car, but God knows that. He will continue to protect our going out and our coming in.

God bless you all this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisl,
    How is life now that you're home? You should post some pictures of your trip and you and your chubby baby.
