Friday, January 1, 2010

Scattered New Year Thoughts...

Happy New Year! Today I was thinking about resolutions for this new year. My resolution for this year is to learn how to be a disciplined woman with a schedule, happy man, happy baby, and clean, cozy home. I know that I'm supposed to know all of that stuff already, but the truth is that I'm a little lazy. But I'm learning, thanks to my baby, that I can't get by with letting work pile up so well anymore. A pile of work that used to take me a day can stretch itself into three or four days. So there, now you all know my resolution, what is/are yours? So far I've decided that I want to stick with just one. There might be another one in the offing but I'm still thinking about it.

Another thought. Dru and I were in the mall tonight and, after purchasing blizzards at DQ, we wandered by a watch shop. We were looking through the glass at watches and Dru pointed out a particular 3,000 dollar watch. "It's either that or a car." He said by way of comparison. Over my next few bites of ice cream I pondered the fact that I'd rather feel slightly guilty for splurging on ice cream at DQ than actually have the kind of money that would buy a watch with such a price tag. I'm thankful for the economic status I have--without more or less.

Goodbye and God bless your New Year. .
..And I really am curious about you people's resolutions.


  1. My New Year's resolution is not new nor is it necessarily intended as a resolution. Learning to let events and controversy in the hands of the One who is Sovereign has been a big help to me; so I hope to continue in this way all year. So as not to become stagnant in my pursuit of peace, I will try to be an encouragement for goodwill, and cheerful hope to my family and friends.

  2. This is rather crazy but those are basically my goals too. One thing I think about for me to actually accomplish that goalof clean house is to do like Arla said one time. Go for the corners....don't just tidy. Clean it out. So that's how I shall go about cleaning....and yes to all the other...happy man, happy and obedient boys, cozy home and scheduled wife/mom....
    I'm wondering... so you say we should know all these things and have it down already....Do most women? Or does life teach us as we go? Maybe I'm just one of the few undisciplined persons? I doubt it....
    I'm always searching for the older womens' wisdom on this and I can almost say they NEVER will tell us how they learned...if you do get a morsel of wisdom from them pass it on!

  3. Hmmm, I don't really do New Year's resolutions. But yeah, to do my part to keep our marriage happy and healthy, and to walk with the Lord are probably the two top priorities. And to listen to what others are saying, and not be so quick to make a sweeping judgement, which is a rather large fault of mine. So often I look at a situation 'my way' and don't really take the time to hear what the other persons are really saying. Anyway, that's my thoughts.
